Friday, January 30, 2009

My First Time...

Tonight I experienced my first "Storm Hockey" game. I will admit, I had mixed feelings about the whole ordeal. First off, I have never been to a hockey game before so I am a "new-be" an unsure of what to expect. However, from being a first timer, what I saw, was a little unexpected. I was astounded most by the two fights that I witnessed. I am very aware that there are fights in hockey and when the first one broke out I was not surprised. The second fight that happened the two individuals took off their helmets and gloves and got into "fighting" position. The three men reffing the game sat back and let the two go at it. Then of course the "bad boys, bad boys," had to go for a "time out" in the penalty box. I guess my only question is, do these players fight because they are really angry at each other of if they do it just to get the crowd wild. if it was solely for entertainment, why? For me it was just funny to watch two individuals beat the crap out of each other and then start playing against each other five minutes later and all of the sudden all madness was put behind. is it not true that when you get mad at another person you remain mad at them for some time?
I am full of questions about the situation I saw tonight. I guess maybe this is perfectly normal and really is solely for entertainment, but really is it necessary? Either way, I will admit, it was fun to watch!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Temperatures increasing, transportation by foot decreasing

People have not started walking or riding bikes more, lowering the emission of harmful gases. Recycling is not becoming the latest trend in Cosmo Magazine. Electric cars seem very appealing, yet there has not been an appalling increase in sales, and, yes, carbon monoxide emissions do continue to increase around the world. The continuing signs of global warming are becoming more and more apparent and yet individuals around the globe still do not seem to be “going green.”
Global warming refers to the warming of the Earth’s surface. Global warming temperatures have been increasing around the world for hundreds of years, which are causing the rate of warming to increase. The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that 11 of the last 12 years have been the warmest since the middle 1800s.
Though we cannot directly view the effects of global warming, slowly they are happening. The idea that over billions of people could actually change their ways quickly enough to save the earth seems inevitable. However, small changes in an individual’s daily routine could at most save what we have for future generations. Being a country of visual learning, there is no doubt that each and every one of us have in some way or another been directed with ways to help slow down this problem. For example, one of the biggest shopping centers in the country, Wal-Mart, provides, at the checkout counter, reusable cloth bags to reduce the use of plastic bags and to get individuals to start recycling. There is no excuse for not taking advantage of this. Many will say they do not notice, but most of the time the customer’s hand slightly brushes the cloth bags while they are reaching down to pick up their double wrapped gallon of milk they just purchased. The answers to the problem are right in front of us, we just need to take action. Little actions can go a long way.
A common reaction to global warming is why all the blame on humans? The increase in temperatures could be caused by many different factors but it is obvious that humans have made the greatest contribution. Some of examples of contribution include deforestation, industrialization, pollution, and the mere fact that basically we are eluding more carbon monoxide into the atmosphere than most plants can absorb. In return, we basically see warmer temperatures, which we can account for here in Kearney, Nebraska where, in the middle of January, temperatures just recently reached 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, warming of the earth leads to extreme weather conditions. This could possibly explain the increase in tropical storms on the coasts, tornadoes through the Midwest, and wildfires on the west coast due to droughts. . Lastly and most importantly, warming temperatures is causing colder regions, such as Antarctica to become almost ice free which leads to suffering of animals such as polar bears. In other words, global warming could eventually lead to extinction.
In conclusion, the earth is not cooling down or even maintaining; it is getting warmer little by little. Individuals are aware of what is going on and know exactly how to prevent it. We cannot approach this as most situations, sitting around waiting for an apparent notice. We must take advantage of the time we have and protect ourselves and future generations. AL Gore says it best in his reach out to the public, An Inconvenient Truth, “this crisis is not really about politics at all. It is a moral and spiritual challenge.”

Global warming

Another international issue that i have done much research on is global warming. This is a broad issue and when we hear it, we realize that we know about it, heard of it, and there is nothing to do about it. WRONG! If a person does not believe the issue is serious some good websites to go to are and These are official governmental websites that prove that global warming is happening and is happening fast. Based on these sites, it has been proved that the last 11 of 12 years have been the warmest since the 1800s. Another interesting fact was that through research by over 2500 scientist, they have proved that humans are the main cause of global warming. This is not a real surprise, but when seeing this, it is obvious that humans should be trying harder to reverse the damage we have already done. There are so many small ways to "go green" yet, no one takes advantages of it. A person could start using a cloth bag instead of plastic, how hard is that? We students use cloth bags everyday, don't see us carrying a new plastic bag everyday to school. With the invention of new cars, cloth bags, green works detergents, etc. there is absolutely NO logical reason why we can't start recycling, cutting down on harmful substances that pollute, and simply start walking instead of riding. Most of these concepts bring more incentives than one. For example, if you walk, you save the earth and stay healthy.
Though global warming is a never ending debate and we think we know almost all there is to know, reading facts and actually seeing stastics makes it real.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Rise of the Smoking Ban

A developing issue in America aside to global warming and the downfall of the economy is that of the recent smoking band which is basically taking over our country. In a recent article written in the New York Times,, a Belmont, CA women, who smokes on an average 2 packs of cigarettes/ day was banned from smoking in the comfort of her own home. It is said that this area in California is the home to the strictest anti smoking ban. The Belmont women however does currently live in an apartment building where they have also outlawed smoking. There are two sides to every story, that is, advantages and disadvantages. On one had, smoking leads to lung cancer and lung cancer leads to death, whether first or second hand. On the other, America is a free society, and no one should have the power to tell another individual how to live. Whether 15 years old or 75 years, we as a society know what smoking does to a human body, we know that it does not fall under the category of good health, but whose concern is it anyway, other the individual committed the act. Banning smoking in public restaurants, especially family restaurants seems very reasonable, but banning smoking at bars, where people go expected to come home smelling like smoke seems a little strict. Yes second hand smoke kills, but so does alcohol and if you are going to a bar, more than likely your participating in drinking.

In conclusion, the awareness of what smoking does to an individual is clear, but what ever happened to living in a free society? We are old enough to know what is right and wrong and what is good and what is bad. Bad decisions are made every day, but that is just a choice an individual makes.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Supporting the Rich...

How much more corruption is the government going to take from corporations such as auto companies and BANKS? These bailouts can no longer be classified as bailouts, but handouts. Recently, the government "bailed out" banks with a $700 billion rescue package only for executives of these banks to turn around and give all bank executives a year end bonus totalling out to $5 billion. In other words, after struggling for so long, these banks paid their executives with taxpayers money. The money given to bail out these banks was given in order to stabilize and improve the U.S. economy, not to reward executives at the year end and to continue to support their lavishing life styles. As the editorial in the New York Times explains, why do they care? It's not the bankers money. Let this be a lesson to lawmakers who do not believe in limits for this money. The government must put restrictions when handing over this amount of money, especially when you still have a worsening economy and many other struggling Americans. How much more are we going to let these corporate leaders get away with?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Does it really matter?

After yesterday, where it seemed almost impossible to watch anything on television other than the inaugguration of Barack Obama, which don't get me wrong it is exciting, I had some other thoughts. Today, when I came to work at 5:00 a.m. I had more people talking about what Mrs. Obama was wearing than how proud they were for Barack. Really....does it really matter? This is a man who has been chose to rule every individual of America and not only that is the first African-American to do so and all we can talk about it the color of the dress his wife wore? How it looked like something an old woman would wear? It just doesn't make sense to me. If anything, we should be looking at what our new President was wearing and he was holding up, but, I did not hear one single thing about him. Or maybe we should be thinking about he views the world and the possible changes that we could be facing in the future, but nope, his wife's green suited outfit was much more important. It makes me wonder, how concerned are we with our country and how it is ruled? Do looks really outweigh the knowledge? Did we vote for Obama in order to simply say that we finally have reach a point in America where all race is set aside and finally all men are equal...the first African-American President? And by the way, I think that Mrs. Obama looked stunning!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Facebook, Facebook, Facebook

Another Facebook controversy. Today I read an editorial from the Los Angeles Times entitled, "Facebook's Breastfeeding Ban.",0,2063967.story Within the last few months, as flipping through the channels on cable television, many of times have I seen channels with stories concerning women breastfeeding in public. Last week, on one of the most popular social networking sites around, a woman's photos of her breastfeeding her child were banned from Facebook. The network yanked the photos off of her site and said that she was violating Facebook's Decency Policy. Personally, I have conflicting views on this issue. I personally do have Facebook, however, I am not very up-to-date with it. I wonder, however, what was the initial point of Facebook? I thought it was suppose to be used as an educational tool for students? I realize that breastfeeding is normal and part of raising a child, but how necessary is it to let basically the whole world in on the process? I also realize it is a normal part of life and women who have small children need to feed their babies many times a day, but I do not understand the point of making it public? Did this woman do this in order to cause an uprise, prove a point, or was feeding her child something she felt the world needed to share with her? I do not believe however this act violates an indecency act because there are far worse pictures on Facebook than that, but I guess I do not understand why this particular picture is necessary? I guess I am wondering how an international site went from a helpful educational tool for students to a door into anyone and everyone's so call "personal" lives?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Change or Quick Fix?

With the inauguration of President-Elect Barack Obama less than two days away, one has to wonder if American citizens are relieved for hopeful change or are just relieved to have the current President out of office. When looking through many editorials in different newspapers, it is apparent that the coming of Obama is a huge sigh of relief for many. After reading an online editorial written by Maureen Dowd of the New York Times, posted January 18, entitled, “The Long, Lame Goodbye,” , I do have my concerns. Throughout the post, she reiterates that America is ready for a President who works for the people, not for himself. My only concern is how do we know this? I believe when a candidate runs for President, they speak much of what the country wants to hear. Obama’s perspectives on how he will change the current crisis America is in is, to me, better said than done. I believe that when President Bush was sworn into office, it could also be classified as a sigh of relief, but look how his term turned out. Another point that Dowd makes is that Bush is too quick to make decisions. Throughout his term, however, there was not much time to waste to think about decisions. For example, 9-11, the war in Iraq, and the current economy. Much of these disasters were out of his hands and needed to be acted on quick. Bush held the title as President, meaning he is supreme to the land. When events such as these come about, there is no time to waste to hear everyone’s input. I believe any other President in his shoes would have acted the same way. Perhaps it could be said that President Bush’s timing in office was unfortunate in relation to the events that happened. In conclusion, I do believe that America is ready for change, however, we should not be too quick to judge.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Hello World

Hello, my name is Kylie, I am 23 years old and I am new to blogging. I am doing this for my JMC 425 class.