Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Facebook, Facebook, Facebook

Another Facebook controversy. Today I read an editorial from the Los Angeles Times entitled, "Facebook's Breastfeeding Ban."http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/editorials/la-ed-breastfeed13-2009jan13,0,2063967.story Within the last few months, as flipping through the channels on cable television, many of times have I seen channels with stories concerning women breastfeeding in public. Last week, on one of the most popular social networking sites around, a woman's photos of her breastfeeding her child were banned from Facebook. The network yanked the photos off of her site and said that she was violating Facebook's Decency Policy. Personally, I have conflicting views on this issue. I personally do have Facebook, however, I am not very up-to-date with it. I wonder, however, what was the initial point of Facebook? I thought it was suppose to be used as an educational tool for students? I realize that breastfeeding is normal and part of raising a child, but how necessary is it to let basically the whole world in on the process? I also realize it is a normal part of life and women who have small children need to feed their babies many times a day, but I do not understand the point of making it public? Did this woman do this in order to cause an uprise, prove a point, or was feeding her child something she felt the world needed to share with her? I do not believe however this act violates an indecency act because there are far worse pictures on Facebook than that, but I guess I do not understand why this particular picture is necessary? I guess I am wondering how an international site went from a helpful educational tool for students to a door into anyone and everyone's so call "personal" lives?

1 comment:

  1. When I lived in the West, I saw women nursing in public routinely. When I lived in the East, I only saw it a couple of times in the 15 years I lived there. Here in the US, it's very much a regional thing how accepted it is in public.
