Thursday, January 29, 2009

Temperatures increasing, transportation by foot decreasing

People have not started walking or riding bikes more, lowering the emission of harmful gases. Recycling is not becoming the latest trend in Cosmo Magazine. Electric cars seem very appealing, yet there has not been an appalling increase in sales, and, yes, carbon monoxide emissions do continue to increase around the world. The continuing signs of global warming are becoming more and more apparent and yet individuals around the globe still do not seem to be “going green.”
Global warming refers to the warming of the Earth’s surface. Global warming temperatures have been increasing around the world for hundreds of years, which are causing the rate of warming to increase. The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that 11 of the last 12 years have been the warmest since the middle 1800s.
Though we cannot directly view the effects of global warming, slowly they are happening. The idea that over billions of people could actually change their ways quickly enough to save the earth seems inevitable. However, small changes in an individual’s daily routine could at most save what we have for future generations. Being a country of visual learning, there is no doubt that each and every one of us have in some way or another been directed with ways to help slow down this problem. For example, one of the biggest shopping centers in the country, Wal-Mart, provides, at the checkout counter, reusable cloth bags to reduce the use of plastic bags and to get individuals to start recycling. There is no excuse for not taking advantage of this. Many will say they do not notice, but most of the time the customer’s hand slightly brushes the cloth bags while they are reaching down to pick up their double wrapped gallon of milk they just purchased. The answers to the problem are right in front of us, we just need to take action. Little actions can go a long way.
A common reaction to global warming is why all the blame on humans? The increase in temperatures could be caused by many different factors but it is obvious that humans have made the greatest contribution. Some of examples of contribution include deforestation, industrialization, pollution, and the mere fact that basically we are eluding more carbon monoxide into the atmosphere than most plants can absorb. In return, we basically see warmer temperatures, which we can account for here in Kearney, Nebraska where, in the middle of January, temperatures just recently reached 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, warming of the earth leads to extreme weather conditions. This could possibly explain the increase in tropical storms on the coasts, tornadoes through the Midwest, and wildfires on the west coast due to droughts. . Lastly and most importantly, warming temperatures is causing colder regions, such as Antarctica to become almost ice free which leads to suffering of animals such as polar bears. In other words, global warming could eventually lead to extinction.
In conclusion, the earth is not cooling down or even maintaining; it is getting warmer little by little. Individuals are aware of what is going on and know exactly how to prevent it. We cannot approach this as most situations, sitting around waiting for an apparent notice. We must take advantage of the time we have and protect ourselves and future generations. AL Gore says it best in his reach out to the public, An Inconvenient Truth, “this crisis is not really about politics at all. It is a moral and spiritual challenge.”

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