Friday, March 27, 2009

Stop complaining, it's FREE!

Sometimes I wonder who has more power, President Obama or the makers of Facebook? I wonder how many people would rather "creep" on Facebook than watch a speech given about their country from their President. I also wonder if people were more apt to listen to their President in a time of dwindle or their friends on Facebook. FACEBOOK HAS TAKEN OVER!
Everywhere I look there is another article about Facebook and what it did or did not do. The most recent article was featured on CNN and was written just to let users know that the Facebook team members are listening to your complaints. Really? This story states that Facebook has over 175 million users and I guarantee that those 175 million users are active users. Basically, people are mad about the new layout about Facebook and "want the old layout back." My mind is blown. I am not sure if people realize that Facebook is more of an addiction that it is a social network. This complaint about a new layout showed up in a blog and asked users to rate the new layout. Here's the problem although it may sound cliche: Fargo, ND is flooding, the south is being swarmed with gangs, drugs, murder, American Idol is down to nine singers, Denise Richards got kicked off of Dancing with the Stars, and there is a massive blizzard on its way. Point being: there are so many other things to care about than the layout of Facebook.
I realize that for some this is communication, but what ever happened to phone conversations, not texting or mailing letters? Lunch with friends? Actualy face to face communication?
I will admit the last few days I have made an appearance on Facebook, so call me a hypocrite. It is quite amazing, I have people talk to me on this Facebook chat application that have not talked to me for years! I have random people I have seen a couple times from a class talk to me and then when I go to class and sit right next to them, they do not even bother to say hi. Appalling huh?
Not only this but its a scary place. Many individuals have random friends they do not know and all their personal information for everyone to see.
I know that I rant a lot about Facebook, this being probably my third complaint and many of you may think I just repeat myself, but the fact and the point is that there are bigger and better things to worry about in life rather than whether or not Tommy from Facebook wants to be your friend or not.
If you take nothing else from this article or do not care if I think that Facebook is more dangerous than social take this: it's a free website and almost everyone is a Facebook addict, so stop your complaining, let the lay outs be layouts and applications be applications.


  1. You should switch your blog's layout color from pink to blue so it's less confusing LOL :-)
    other than that, you're absolutely right!

  2. What I find horrifying is that Belinda Carlisle Lost To The Woz on Dancing with the Stars. I mean, a pop start losing to the co-creator of the Apple II?
